How do you know what’s good for you?

OK, so there is a farmer and a neighbor. The farmer gets a horse he inherits, and the neighbor says oh well good luck you have. And the farmer says well maybe. The next day of the horse is gone. Neighbor comes up to the farmer and says oh what a bad luck you have. And the farmer says maybe. The next day of the horse comes back with the gang of mares. The neighbor says to the farmer oh man you’re luck is really good this time. The farmer says maybe. The next day the farmer son breaks his legs trying to break the horses. You’ll never guess what the neighbor says, oh what bad luck, and the farmer says maybe. The next day the army comes to conscript soldiers for a war and the son cannot fight because his legs are broken. The neighbor comes over once again and says of what good luck you have, and the farmer once again says maybe we’ll see you tomorrow

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