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Grand canyons on the moon? Asteroid strike billions of years ago carved out 2 massive gorges That’s good news for scientists and NASA, which is looking to land astronauts at the south pole on the near, Earth-facing side untouched by that impact and containing older rocks in original condition. U.S. …

New AI model deciphers the code in proteins that tells them where to go Proteins are the workhorses that keep our cells running, and there are many thousands of types of proteins in our cells, each performing a specialized function. Researchers have long known that the structure of a protein determines what it can do.

Discover First Impulse Painting – WhatcomTalk Access Creativity with First Impulse Painting. Join Susan Kramer-Pope, Creative Process Facilitator, for a free info session on Friday, …

United Way Offers Bob Ross Painting Sessions – Door County Pulse The United Way of Door County is debuting a series of painting classes led by a Certified Bob Ross Instructor. Classes will be held Feb.

3D imaging breakthrough could mean step change for security and defence applications Scientists have developed a detection system that could vastly improve the accuracy of human facial and activity recognition at long distances and through obstructions like fog, smoke or camouflage. The researchers say their sensitive light detection …

How Africa became the birthplace of human evolution 7 February 2025 – Wits University. Nature Africa marks 100 years since Australopithecus Africanus transformed our understanding of the origins of humans. On 7 February 1925, the scientific journal Nature published a paper by Raymond Dart, …

San Francisco Examiner Events – Creative Intuitive Painting Class Series Join our weekly painting series to explore your inner self and creativity in a supportive and inspiring environment. Whether you’re an absolute …

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