Tag: #Academic
Daily Dorkus #1
I am taking a stab at making a daily morning news video. Tune in daily and subsribe to newspapercup on youtube 2023-03-29 02-09-19
The DB’s and Wide Recieves are banged up but most will return for the late season heart-attack run that we are bound to have. “It’s like Deja Vu all over again.
Blink 182: Back at it, but who asked?
Blink is in their geriatric phase, but so are the fans. Is Avril Lavigne opening and is that Kardashian girlfriend going to MC? How long before this money grab ends in community college for the children. Blink is such a funny group thst doingd sad songs. MUSCHIZOPHRENIA
How do you know what’s good for you?
Is Trump running a good thing? Was the Atomic Bomb a good thing? Good is a fickle thing. read this proverb.
L we are doing movie reviews now.
Let me introduce to Carly Wilkes Oswald our newest writer and asset. Look for they them him her homogenous sapianic monkey person in our stupid other page targeted to Tibetan atheists and shamans from Vatican City.
Demoting the Robot
As many of you may have noticed, industries are transforming due to modern technology. Newspapercup has, since its inception, been the news wing of a web and software development company. A news aggregation robot has been our most active writer for the past 18 months. Today, I am glad to announce that I am partnering with our robot to bring human content back to the page. Check newspapercup.com or follow us on Twitter or Facebook for the last remaining island of objectivity in a world where news and propaganda can’t be discerned.
As Covid Rolls Down to Pre-Clivil War Levels The Cicada-Like Hominids Emerge From Larvae to Pupa Exposing the Early Stages of the Gremlin and Kill Whitey Political Parties.
Lexis-Nexus has insurance agents I think/ so…………I just spent 100,000 on ads. Here is my script in which I play a reasonable but stern businessman.
At Lexis Nexis Risk Solutions, we know the dangers of improving the human race with endless peer-reviewed research. Look what happened to Aaron Schwartz. That could be you. Access to that kind of data always brings a Kazinski or Zuckerburg for every upstanding Bush https://hibuckeye.com
We are all fine; We are all safe.
So many beautiful and inspiring things happen on a daily basis that I think it’s time we hear more about them today.!!!!ßßß∂߬∑∂˚∑π˚∂π˚´˚∂π˚∑π˚∂≤µ≈µ≤µ∂µø∑π∆ß
Part 2 of the Race of the Tortoise and the slightly younger Tortoise in denial of entropy. (Jared and hunter are working on it)
And as this presidential race, which should create an entire new adjective, for it is WorkStream that any circus, more absurd that any painting dolly ever dreamed of making, and falls along the same lines of reality constrain only by the limits of a Philip K Dick Novel. It appears that this will be another Read more about Part 2 of the Race of the Tortoise and the slightly younger Tortoise in denial of entropy. (Jared and hunter are working on it)[…]