How do you know what’s good for you?
Is Trump running a good thing? Was the Atomic Bomb a good thing? Good is a fickle thing. read this proverb.
Is Trump running a good thing? Was the Atomic Bomb a good thing? Good is a fickle thing. read this proverb.
And as this presidential race, which should create an entire new adjective, for it is WorkStream that any circus, more absurd that any painting dolly ever dreamed of making, and falls along the same lines of reality constrain only by the limits of a Philip K Dick Novel. It appears that this will be another Read more about Part 2 of the Race of the Tortoise and the slightly younger Tortoise in denial of entropy. (Jared and hunter are working on it)[…]
Skanking it Easy Terrorist attacks went down worldwide. I know this contradicts the fear mongers in the media, but numbers don’t lie. The numbers on attacks an fatalities were down 33.2 percent. Please don’t tell the president or he will tweet about it and take credit for it all coked up at 4 a.m. Read more about Weekend Waves (Low Tide)[…]