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Father Time is Undefeated

The societal impact of potential mass unemployment isn’t known. Though, it may be a contributing factor to the unrest we see in America at this very moment. The more we progress into this golden age of automation, the more we contribute to a process that climaxes by deeming ourselves obsolete.

Bernie Sanders Outlines Three-Step Marijuana Plan To Block Big Corporations From Controlling …

The Medicinal Paradox: Republicans want fewer regulations and smaller government; unless it has to do with Medical Marijuana. Socialist punching bag Bernie Sanders seems to be the only presidential candidate that honors this stalwart Conservative value. Bernie’s Plan Warning: Actual Policy, Issues, and Laws being discussed. If you don’t feel like reading just watch the Read more about Bernie Sanders Outlines Three-Step Marijuana Plan To Block Big Corporations From Controlling …[…]

Weekend Waves (Low Tide)

 Skanking it Easy Terrorist attacks went down worldwide. I know this contradicts the fear mongers in the media, but numbers don’t lie. The numbers on attacks an fatalities were down 33.2 percent. Please don’t tell the president or he will tweet about it and take credit for it all coked up at 4 a.m. Read more about Weekend Waves (Low Tide)[…]

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