Remember when people talked of Bernie Sanders as “too old.” The solution for the Democrats: ” Let’s get someone even OLDER.” Remember when they said Trump was too old? Well, they are all right! These guys are way too old. The only guarantee we have about the next President is that he will be too old, and not represent the average American in any way. My age reflects the national average at 38. These guys are both double my age, and double the age of the average America. They should both be retired, but I understand that Donald has complex finances ( As for Joe, I am not sure what the motivation could be?
This has been an absolute shit show from the beginning. Bernie Sanders was the victim of a party that believes, and possibly correctly, that America will not adopt Socialism in their lives aside from the on’es society accepts et. al. Roads, Police, Fire Fighters, The US Military, Schools, SOCIAL Security, Medicare, Medicaid, the Coast Guard, Sewer, Water, Currency Management, Border Control, FBI, CIA, FEMA, DHS, NSA, Secret Service, EPA, Congress, Courts, and Elections. One could argue that we are already a Socialist Society.
It has been Trumps mission to Drain the Swamp. That has included making enemies with a lot of these institutions. One of his goals was to improve some socialist infrastructure like bridges and the military. Though these were unhe wall was a failue, but the policies he implemented reduced illegal immigration, and served as deturrence for those crossing the border. Yes, it was harsh, but many of these facilities were designed by the Obama Administration. ( The Obama administration also recorded the most casualties from drone strikes, according to the Atlantic in 2016. The article concluded that his defense for the actions was quite weak.
Then, never satisfied, Donald crossed the line with child separation. Then called them all criminals. (
TRUMP, on asylum seekers: “People that look like they should be fighting for the UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship). They read a little page given by lawyers that are all over the place,” coaching them to say “I am very fearful for my life. I am very worried that I will be accosted if I’m sent back home.” Trump then mocks immigration judges or other officials: “Oh, give him asylum. He’s afraid. He’s afraid.” And he adds: “We don’t love the fact that he’s got tattoos on his face. That’s not a good sign.”
Let us not for get the handicapped as well.
Which brings me to my main Donald point before we move on to the man that saved Jim Carrey’s career: Joe Biden and his hatred for Marijuana and participation in the administration that held the previous record for detaining migrants at the Southern border.
The overall behavior of the President is none presidential, and playing on the frustration of the masses, he appears to be a bit of an agent of chaos. Then man has prasied Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong Il (Who hasn’t been witnessed in public for months[Maybe Donald killed him?]), and other despots, dictators, and demagogues. He has taken may measures to consolidate power, pardoned Roger Stone, Released a heavily redacted Mueller report that was curated by Attorney General William Barr, after he gave a somewhat biased summary of the reports conclusions that allow the President to be prosecuted for obstruction of justice after he is no longer President, or “Our Beloved Great Leader.”
Meanwhile, it seems Biden can do no wrong and is leading most polls. People don’t understand margin for error in polls, so unless Biden is up more than 5 points, those numbers are by no means guarantees. See the bell curve. A poll with 5 percent margin for error means in a 50/50 race, there is a 95 percent chance that the candidates each receive between 45 and 55 percent of the vote. Five percent of the time, anything could happen, but it doesn’t. Some polls have a 6.5 percent margin for error. These are in fine print, but there are no regulations for how these polls are constructed, though there are standards.
Biden is old, and he stumbles his words from time to time. The police, the media support, and the black running mate may have been the ticket to a successful strategy. It just makes the far-right militia klux klan minority of the republican party agitated and therefore “standing back and standing by,: for instructions from their dear leader. Yet cognitive decline is an issue. Kamala would be President if Biden passes away. My uber driver told me that Kamala wasn’t a citizen; stating she was born in Jamaica. She was born in Oakland by the way. This agitates extremists too. Militia’s including Antifa, Proud Boys, Boogaloos, the Michigan Milita, and any group threatening violence against the government will be arrested by the National Guard, just like in Portland. Your ideology is of no consequence. This is about power, mob rule, and multiple coup d’é·tat being planned. This will be quelled by a national presence. Σ{Party extremists are tearing this country down} + {lack of direction due to prolonged isolation} = TIMEBOMB!!!!
It appears to me that there is agitation propaganda that is sewing the seeds of illogical discontent. This compiled with echo chamber environment where the people strengthen their biases has led to “I’m right; you’re stupid” as the cultural norm of a debate.
Intillectualism must be preserved. Being loud doesn’t smooth out the lack of logic in flawed arguments. The continued ugly behavior and lack of humility became exponentially worse, and the tactics used to consolidate power through the unitarian executive plan of Bill Barr are weaving a tapestry of the Executive brach and namely the President operating, legislating, and imposing their societal vision with impunity.
Coincidentally, this is not far from what Democrats want either. As Trump strategy of provocative taunting, liberals fell right into his trap. It is onlt during the last debate that Biden stopped throwing shade and exhibited some class. He must have turned his hearing aid off when Donald spoke.
Donald and Epsteing: A Bad Look.
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