Weekend Waves

Readers, Lend Me Your Eyes   

Here is the news for Saturday, April 6th.

Legalize It

Keep it Green

  • A recently released report states that renewable energy (Solar, wind, hydroelectric, etc.) now account for one-third of the world’s energy capacity. Let’s not confuse the capacity for production. A lot of this energy isn’t being put into place yet. Regardless, it is nice to know that renewable energy is growing rapidly. Now if Elon Musk will make enough Tesla’s to earn the company a profit, or at the very least, match productivity with the high demand for his product, we can celebrate an accomplishment. Even if you don’t believe in climate change, we can all agree that smog-heavy days are unpleasant.

Brad Paisley’s Free Grocery Store

  • Communist country superstar Brad Paisley broke ground on a free grocery store in Nashville. Maybe Brad isn’t a communist, but this act of charity does thwart one of the most important factors that motivate employment: HUNGER. The more one caters to the needs of the poor, the less incentive the poor have to change their situation. Poor in America is absolute wealth to billions of people worldwide. Poor in America means not being able to afford items that are unattainable in places like Chad or Mali. It’s one thing to give out a free meal. Giving people free groceries is a different monster altogether. The government already gives food stamps liberally. There is an obesity problem in America. People in America who live in the most poverty-dense counties are those most prone to obesity. Maybe Brad is going to run for President?

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